Monday, November 5, 2012

Art Project #2

A couple of weeks ago I posted about my first art project. My 2nd art project was making fun flower balls for the Gabster's room. They turned out better than I could have hoped and added not just color but a bit of whimsy to her room.

To start off I went to our local Dollar Tree and bought a few arm loads of flowers. I think I ended up making 2 trips as I needed many more than I initially thought.

I had previously purchased 3 styrofoam balls (4", 5" and 6") from Michaels.

Start by pulling the heads of the flowers off of the stems and discard the stems (or use for another project).

Add a small bead of hot glue to the tip of the flower stem.
Quickly shove the stem into the flower ball before the glue hardens. Repeat until the styrofoam ball is completely covered and no styrofoam is visible.  

To hang the balls, many people use ribbon. I wanted them to look like they were floating so decided to use fishing line. I simply tied the fishing line to an eye-hook, added a bead of hot glue to the end of the eye-hook and inserted the hook into the flower ball. Tie the other end of the fishing line to another eye-hook and anchor into the cieling.

They were a snap to make and much cheaper than purchasing them already made. We hung them a bit higher than I would have liked but as you can see our little dude tried to use them as punching bags as soon as they were hung!

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